In 2017, we began a strategic, creativecollaboration with Generali, one of the largest insurance firms operating in Poland. Our first campaign together was a seasonal, summer-time promotion for property insurance.
We wanted to convince potential clients that Generali property insurance guarantees them ‘peace of mind’ in situations such as when they leave their property to go on holiday.
We based our concept on one of the most interesting features of the offer: ‘At Generali, we even pay for your negligence’. We also made use of strong, universal insight concerning holidays…
Did I lock it or not? Is it switched off? We all occasionally find ourselves questioning if we turned off the taps, unplugged the iron, or locked the doors when we left the home.
Our core activities were on digital media, on the radio, and in the outdoor space, but the hub was a landing page with a sign-up form.
We supported the campaign with activity in branch offices, complementing BTL materials with an animated video outlining the full insurance offer.
The campaign was a great success and we were asked to work on subsequent brand activities.
A special discount offer in Generali salons required a uniqueand creative approach. Word games and dynamic visualizations allowed us to meet the needs of the campaign.
Field agents are an essential part of an insurance firm. We prepared materials to help them beat off the competition, using popular, mild curse words.
We also created advertisements for accident insurance policies, which were aimed at parents.